Brooklyn Winter Real Estate Market Update: Low Inventory, Discerning Buyers, Competitive Rentals

By Elizabeth Kohen | February 22, 2024

Sales activity has increased in Brownstone Brooklyn in recent weeks, marked by strong turnouts and bidding wars at open houses, especially for 2-bedroom residences and houses. This trend is irrespective of property condition, as long as homes are appropriately priced for the current market. Despite these competitive dynamics, buyers are still discovering pockets of opportunity within this market. Rates are hovering in the low 6s for a 30-year fixed rate and the 5s for a 15-year fixed rate mortgage.

Low Inventory

Inventory continues to be limited across all market segments. In Brooklyn, the supply has decreased by 6.3% compared to the same time last year but has seen a slight increase of 2.6% from the previous month. Monthly contract activity has risen by 0.9% since last month and has experienced a substantial increase of 15.5% compared to this time last year.

Interest Rates

Following their first monetary policy meeting of 2024, Federal Reserve officials have chosen to maintain the central bank’s benchmark interest rate at its current level. In December, the Fed had signaled its intention to implement three quarter-point rate cuts throughout the year. However, the timing of these cuts remains uncertain, and the Fed plans to proceed cautiously, waiting for more data to confirm a sustained slowdown in inflation, which is currently at 3.09% (vs. 6.45% last year). The target rate remains at 2%.

Brooklyn Home Sellers

While winter often sees a natural slowdown in the real estate market, anticipation of spring brings renewed opportunities for sellers. As we approach the season traditionally known for optimal sales, sellers can expect promising prospects, particularly in markets with limited inventory. Sellers can enhance their sales potential by ensuring their property is appropriately priced and strategically marketed.

Our expertise extends to offering advice on cost-effective upgrades that can boost your property’s resale value. Additionally, we provide complimentary home staging services to ensure your property stands out and appeals to potential buyers.

A crucial factor for a successful sale is to set the right price for the property from the start and highlight its best features to attract a broad pool of buyers as quickly as possible.

Brooklyn Home Buyers

While competition persists, it’s notably less intense compared to previous markets dominated by cash buyers, where concessions or standard contingencies rarely entered the equation. In instances where listings have endured prolonged stays on the market, buyers often have a stronger negotiating position.

A knowledgeable broker can guide buyers in identifying opportunities and provide valuable insights for optimizing their purchasing power while advocating for favorable outcomes.

By seizing the opportunity to buy now, amidst reduced competition, you position yourself to capitalize on potential refinancing opportunities when rates decrease in the future.

As always, hiring an experienced Brooklyn real estate broker or agent who can offer hyper-local real-time data can be hugely beneficial to both sellers and buyers.

Brooklyn Renters

The rental market is currently competitive, as inventory remains low. Your preparedness with documentation to support your rental application can significantly enhance your prospects in this environment. As always, our agents are ready to assist.

Buying, selling or renting a home in Brooklyn this winter?

Contact our real estate agents

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