33 Adult Activities while Social Distancing for COVID-19

April 4, 2020

Hello, and happy social distancing. Getting bored yet? We’ve already shared our kids home activities post, but we of course had to create one for the adults too. And if you don’t feel like reading, just skip to number 33.

1. Make a Custom Hand Washing Poster

Don’t feel like singing Happy Birthday twice each time you’re at the sink? Head to Wash Your Lyrics to select your preferred song (and soap type), then generate your very own printable poster.

2. A Night In at the Opera

In case you haven’t heard by now, The Met is streaming nightly operas.

3. Get Fit

Planet Fitness is offering free at-home workouts, no membership required. Or try Peleton’s 90-day free trial (no bike needed). If you do have a stationary bike, try searching for a POV video on YouTube that you can peddle along to. And here’s a more comprehensive list of free streaming workouts.

4. Brush Up on Your Academics

It’s never too late to learn something new. Try MIT Open Courseware or any of these 450 Ivy League courses.

Arm Holding Blue Fluent City Spanish Language Book with Cactus Background

Photo by Dan Gold

5. Learn a New Language

Venture out of your comfort zone and try a different language. Search for free tutorials on YouTube, or opt for services with paid and trial options such as DuoLingo and Rosetta Stone.

6. Go to a Virtual Art Show

New York galleries, including David Zwirner, JTT, Ortuzer Projects and Spencer Brownstone, are currently offering virtual viewings.

7. Be a Tourist In Your Town

The NY Landmarks Conservancy has a cool video series that introduces you to numerous historical sites around the city.

8. Get the Netflix Party Extension

Sync your Netflix with your friends—and group chat as you watch.

9. Host a Virtual Dinner Party or Happy Hour

Coordinate a time to eat or have some wine with friends and loved ones using FaceTime, Zoom or Google Hangouts.

10. Catch a Broadway Play Online

The show must go on! So more and more theatre companies are streaming performances for free.

11. Try a Cultural Activity

Here’s a large spreadsheet of various cultural events and classes that are taking place.

12. Get Entertained By a Celebrity

Actors, singers, comedians and chefs are doing all sorts of things to keep you entertained.

13. Do Some Puzzling

Crosswords, jigsaw, Rubik’s cube, brain teasers, cryptograms, sudoku—anything to keep your mind engaged.

14. Treat Yourself to a Spa Day In

Pamper yourself with a DIY face mask, bubble bath, a blowout or mani-pedi.

15. Write Something

Draft a story, movie script, play, poem or handwritten letter. Bonus: Learn calligraphy.

Hands Rolling Cookie Dough on Counter

Photo by Kari Shea

16. Cook and Bake

Search for your favorite chef or type of cuisine on YouTube and you’re sure to find a video to guide you along. For daily ideas, sign up for The New York Times Cooking newsletter, and head to the NYT Cooking Community on Facebook for more tips, tricks and advice. (Bonus: Check out the Times’ new At Home section with lots of ideas on how to stay busy.)

17. Organize Your House

We all have some piles of clothes we’ve forgotten about, intimidating mounds of Tupperware with lids strewn about, junk drawers and paper stacks. Now’s a great time to organize them.

18. Craft with Friends

FaceTime a friend or two and get crafting. Try candlemaking, knitting, woodworking, coloring, drawing or anything else you can think of.

19. Read

Step away from the screen and curl up with that book or magazine you’ve been meaning to start. Bonus: Start a virtual book club.

20. Transcribe Library of Congress Documents

Feel like doing something for the good of humanity? The Library of Congress welcomes volunteers to transcribe various historical documents.

Expedition Everest Disney Roller Coaster

21. Go on Virtual Disney Rides

Relive your childhood “It’s A Small World” experience by taking a virtual Disney ride.

22. Redecorate and Organize

If your living room, bedroom or kitchen is starting to feel too familiar, switch things up a bit. Explore these decorating ideas, move your furniture around, swap out the photos in your frames or reorganize your cabinets to refresh your home’s interior.

23. Give Your Home a Thorough Spring Cleaning

The ultimate spring cleaning list, this is sure to keep you occupied for days.

24. Meditate

Self care is always important but right now it’s especially useful when it comes to keeping COVID-19 anxieties at bay. Try a meditation app for relaxation guidance.

25. Attend a Live Stream Concert

Billboard is kind enough to keep a master list of live streaming concerts for all the music lovers out there.

Woman Outside Holding Plant Book From Back

Photo by Sarah Brown

26. Identify Plants

Try an app like PlantNet or a site like the USDA Plants database to identify and learn more about some of nature’s treasures.

27. Start a New Hobby

If you’ve ever considered yoga, bread making, guitar or singing lessons, making a family tree or anything else that can be done in your home, now’s an ideal time to give it a whirl. Many instructors are sustaining their income by offering virtual classes but you can likely find free ones online too.

28. Study the NYC Subway Map

Learn the history of your favorite subway map, thanks to The New York Times.

29. Visit a New York Museum Online

Take a virtual trip to one of your favorite NYC museums.

30. Share Your Skills

Have a knack for working out? Baking? Playing piano? Make a how-to video or host an online class to share your skills with others.

31. Sing Along with a Marie’s Crisis Pianist

Partake in a nightly Marie’s Crisis sing-along from the comfort of your home by attending a live-streaming set. You can even tip the pianists!

32. Complete Something You’ve Put Off

We all have to-do lists with unchecked items—there’s never been a better time to tackle them.

33. Idea Generator

When all else fails, head to Bored on Quarantine for a new random idea with every click.

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